Internet Pharmacy Information
In these cost conscious times we are all looking for ways to cut our costs and get as much value for our money as we can. Therefore it is understandable that we would look to the Internet and on line pharmacies as a way to save on our pets medications. It is critical though that we be vigilant when making such purchases; as there are, unfortunately, a number of unscrupulous Internet businesses selling counterfeit, outdated, mislabeled, and incorrectly formulated animal medications. These medications could put your pets life at risk.
Here is a link to a new warning campaign from the US Food and Drug Administration. Please read this carefully when deciding on where to buy your pets medications. If you have questions please ask us, we are your cat's doctor and their health is our primary concern. If you do elect to buy your cat's medications from an on line pet pharmacy, here is our Internet Pharmacy Policy.
