The Cat Hospital of Ft Myers

8841 College Pkwy.
Ft Myers, FL 33919


Body Language of Cats

Cats use body language to communicate a variety of information and emotions to others. The primary body parts they use to convey their state of mind are their e ...

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I am Cat Furniture

As I sit here trying to type with one cat draped across both forearms, I've decided that being covered with cats is a concept worthy of consideration. Why do I ...

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Senior Cats' Health Issues

A cat's health changes with age. Physical and mental changes occur, just as they do with people. Most older cats sleep more than they did when young, and they u ...

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Tip Toe through the Toxic Tulips

It’s that time of year! Flowers are poking up from beneath the earth, the pollen count is rising, and folks are getting the bug to plant stuff and make it grow. ...

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Dissed by your Cat

However, life is impermanent, and Claire’s life took a decided turn for the worst a few autumns ago, with the addition of Albert, a predominantly white cat with ...

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Top 10 Cat Mistakes

10. Hand jive Lots of owners with a new kitten get caught up in all the cute and use their hands for toys with the new furball – batting at them, letting the ki ...

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